Corot Systems - Big Data Analytics & Cloud Solutions

Accelerate Your Software Development with Automation Testing

Automation Testing

Corot Systems is a leading QA automation company that provides expert services to businesses looking to improve the quality and reliability of their software applications. The company specializes in using automated tools and software to perform testing, ensuring faster time-to-market, higher software quality, and reduced costs. Corot Systems offers various services, including test planning, test case development, script creation, execution, and results analysis. Their team of professional professionals works closely with clients to identify problem areas and develop tailored solutions that meet their specific needs. By partnering with Corot Systems, businesses can ensure their software applications are thoroughly tested, reliable, and meet the highest quality standards.

Automation testing is a software testing method that involves the use of specialized software tools to automate the execution of test cases and the comparison of actual results with expected results. The immediate objective of testing is to streamline the testing process, reduce the time and effort required to perform tests, and increase the accuracy and reliability of test results.

In software development, testing is necessary to ensure a software application's quality and functionality. However, manual testing can be time-consuming, repetitive, and prone to errors. Automation testing provides a more efficient and reliable way of testing software applications.

Automation testing can perform various testing types, including functional, regression, performance, and load. It involves the creation of test scripts, which are programs that simulate user interactions with the software application. These scripts can perform the same tests repeatedly, ensuring consistent and reliable results.

Automation Testing
Automation Testing

Test automation services refer to using automated tools and software to execute tests on software applications. These services automate the testing process, reducing the time and resources required to perform manual testing. Test automation services are designed to improve the quality and efficiency of software testing by reducing errors and increasing testing speed. They are instrumental in scenarios requiring frequent testing, such as Agile and DevOps environments. Test automation services typically include test planning, test case development, test script creation, test execution, and results analysis. They help businesses achieve faster time-to-market and higher software quality while reducing costs and increasing productivity.

A QA automation testing company provides expert services to businesses looking to improve the quality and reliability of their software applications. These companies use automated tools and software to perform testing, reducing the time and resources required for manual testing. QA automation testing companies typically offer various services, including test planning, test case development, test script creation, test execution, and results analysis. They work closely with clients to identify problems and create tailored solutions that meet their needs. By partnering with a QA automation testing company, businesses can ensure that their software applications are thoroughly tested, reliable, and meet the highest quality standards, ultimately leading to greater customer satisfaction and increased revenue.

Automation Testing

Types of Automation Testing Services

Several types of automation testing can be used to test software applications. Every kind of testing serves a different purpose and is used to test specific aspects of the software application. The following are the most ordinary types of automation testing services :

unit testing

Unit Testing

Unit testing involves testing individual units of code in isolation from the application. Developers usually do this testing to ensure each code unit functions correctly.

Integration testing

Integration Testing

Integration testing involves testing the integration of different components or modules of the software application. This testing is used to ensure that the individual members of the application are working together correctly.

Functional Ttesting

Functional Testing

Functional testing is testing that involves testing the functionality of the software application. This testing is used to ensure that the application is working as expected and meets the requirements of the end users.


Regression Testing

Regression testing involves testing the software application to ensure it still works correctly after transformations have been made to the code. This testing type provides that new changes or updates do not introduce defects or issues.

Load testing

Load Testing

Load testing involves testing the software application under heavy loads to ensure it can handle the expected traffic or usage. This testing type lets the application handle the expected load without crashing or slowing down.


Performance Testing

Performance testing involves testing the performance of the software application under different conditions, such as varying levels of traffic or usage. This type of testing is used to confirm that the application can perform under the expected conditions.


Security Testing

Security testing is a method of testing that involves testing the security of the software application to ensure that it is secure from potential threats or attacks. This type of testing is used to confirm that the application is protected from potential security vulnerabilities.

In conclusion, several types of automation testing can be used to test software applications. Each type of testing serves a different purpose and is used to test specific aspects of the application. Understanding the different types of automation testing can help organizations choose the proper testing for their particular needs and ensure the quality and reliability of their software applications.

QA Automation Testing Services Life Cycle

The QA Automation Testing Services life cycle involves planning, designing, and implementing automation testing for software applications. It involves a series of steps to ensure the successful implementation of automation testing in the software development process. The following steps are involved in the automation testing life cycle:

icon Test Planning

Test planning is the foremost step in the automation testing life cycle. This involves identifying the test cases that need to be automated, selecting the automation testing tool, and creating a test plan.

icon Test Design

The second step is test design. In this step, the test cases are designed and documented. The test cases are then reviewed and approved by the stakeholders.

icon Test Development

The third step is test development. The test scripts are developed using this step's selected testing tool. The hands are then reviewed and tested.

icon Test Execution

The fourth step is test execution. The developed test scripts are executed against the software application in this step. The test results are then collected and analyzed.

icon Test Reportingt

The fifth step is test reporting. The test results are documented and reported to the stakeholders in this step. The reports may include details on the test coverage, test execution status, and defects identified.

icon Test Maintenance

The final step is test maintenance. In this step, the test scripts are reviewed and updated to remain accurate and up-to-date. The test scripts may also be edited to cover new features or changes to the software application.

Types of Automation Framework

Automation frameworks are guidelines, rules, and coding standards used to develop and execute automated tests for software applications. Automation frameworks provide a systematic approach to developing and implementing automated tests, making the testing process more efficient and effective. Several types of automation frameworks can be used for software testing. The following are the most ordinary types of automation frameworks:

Modular Framework

The modular framework is an automation framework where test scripts are broken down into smaller, more manageable modules. These modules can be easily reused and combined to create more prominent test cases. The modular framework makes it easier to maintain and update the test scripts.

Data-Driven Framework

The data-driven framework is an automation framework where test data is stored in external data sources, such as spreadsheets or databases. The test scripts read the data from these external sources and use it to drive the testing process. The data-driven framework makes creating and executing test cases with different input values easier.

Keyword-Driven Framework

The keyword-driven framework is a type of automation framework where test scripts are written using a set of predefined keywords. These keywords represent specific actions, such as tapping a button or joining text into a field. The keyword-driven framework makes it easier to write and maintain test scripts.

Hybrid Framework

The hybrid framework combines different automation frameworks, such as modular and data-driven frameworks. The hybrid framework combines the benefits of other frameworks and provides a more flexible and scalable approach to testing.

Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) Framework

The BDD framework is an automation framework where tests are written in natural language and focus on the application's behavior. The BDD framework makes it easier for non-technical stakeholders to understand and participate in testing.

QA Automation testing tools

QA automation testing tools are software applications designed to automate the testing process for software applications. These tools help to speed up the testing process, reduce errors, and improve the accuracy of the test results. Many different automation testing tools are available, each with features and benefits. The following are the most popular QA automation testing tools:



Appium is an open-source automation testing tool designed to test mobile applications. Appium supports Android and iOS platforms and uses the WebDriver protocol to interact with mobile devices.


Test Complete

TestComplete is a commercial automation testing tool that supports desktop, web, and mobile applications. TestComplete supports various programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, and VBScript.


Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio is a free automation tool supporting web, mobile, and API testing. Katalon Studio provides a range of built-in keywords and supports multiple programming languages, including Java, Groovy, and C#.



Ranorex is a commercial automation testing tool that supports desktop, web, and mobile applications. Ranorex provides a range of built-in features, including test recording, test case management, and reporting.


Robot Framework

Robot Framework is an open-source automation testing tool that supports web, mobile, and API testing. Robot Framework uses a keyword-driven approach and supports multiple programming languages, including Python and Java.

In conclusion, automation testing tools are crucial in the software testing process. They help to speed up the testing process, reduce errors, and enhance the accuracy of the test results. Many different testing tools are available, each with features and benefits. The choice of testing tool depends on the specific needs and requirements of the testing process, and organizations should carefully evaluate the available options before selecting a tool.

Corot Systems Corot Systems is a trusted QA automation company that provides expert QA automation services to businesses looking to improve the quality and reliability of their software applications. The company specializes in using automated tools and software to perform testing, reducing the time and effort required for manual testing. Corot Systems' QA automation services include test planning, test case development, test script creation, test execution, and results analysis. Their team of experienced professionals works closely with clients to identify problem areas and develop tailored solutions that meet their specific needs. By partnering with Corot Systems, businesses can achieve faster time-to-market, higher software quality, and reduced costs, ultimately leading to greater customer satisfaction and increased revenue. Schedule A Meeting

Frequently asked questions

  • What is automation testing?

    Automation testing uses automated tools and software to perform testing on software applications. It reduces the time and effort required for manual testing and improves the accuracy and speed of testing.

  • What are the benefits of automation testing?

    Automation testing offers many benefits, including faster time-to-market, higher software quality, reduced costs, and increased productivity.

  • Which tools are commonly used for automation testing?

    Some widely used automation testing tools include Selenium, Appium, TestComplete, JMeter, and LoadRunner.

  • What types of testing can be automated?

    Almost all kinds of testing can be automated, including unit testing, functional testing, regression testing, performance testing, and security testing.

  • What are the prerequisites for automation testing?

    The conditions for automation testing include a clear understanding of the testing requirements, selection of appropriate automation tools, and expertise in programming languages.

  • How can automation testing help in Agile and DevOps environments?

    Automation testing helps in Agile and DevOps environments by providing frequent and efficient testing, enabling faster time-to-market, and improving collaboration among development and testing teams.

  • What is the difference between automation manual and testing?

    Manual testing involves human intervention and is time-consuming, while automation testing consists in using automated tools and software, reducing the time and effort required.

  • How can automation testing help reduce costs?

    Automation testing helps reduce costs by reducing the time and resources required for testing, enabling faster time-to-market, and improving software quality, ultimately leading to greater customer satisfaction and increased revenue.

  • How can automation testing help improve software quality?

    Automation testing helps enhance software quality by reducing errors, identifying defects earlier in the development cycle, and providing accurate and reliable testing.

  • How can I get started with automation testing?

    To start with automation testing, you should identify the testing requirements, select appropriate automation tools, and ensure you have expertise in programming languages. You can also partner with a trusted automation testing company to help you get started.